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How to Turn on Lte on Iphone 8

Apple iPhone. Turn on 4G LTE

The segment of the mobile Internet is only increasing every year, if yesterday we used computers to access the network, today the iPhone copes with many tasks in the field of Internet surfing, and after mobile devices, the data transfer speed is also growing. Today we will talk about the settings of the high-speed Internet using the example of Apple iPhone. Therefore, if you have already connected and configured the Internet in the iPhone, then this topic will be interesting.

Which iPhones support LTE (4G)

Not all Apple iPhone models support LTE (4G) networks. The first models only support work in lower-speed 2G and 3G networks. In the line of Apple phones, the LTE communication module first appeared in the iPhone 5. Therefore, if you want an iPhone with fast Internet, take the iPhone 5 or later models.

The LTE module is constantly being improved, therefore, the newer the iPhone model, the higher the maximum data transfer speed in LTE networks. For example: maximum bandwidth of LTE modems:

  • Iphone 5, 5C, 5S. 100 Mbps.
  • Iphone 5SE, 6, 6 Plus. 150 Mbps.
  • Iphone 6S, 6S Plus. 300 Mbps.
  • Iphone 7, 7 Plus. 450 Mbps.

True, our mobile operators are not so quick to keep up with updating their equipment to meet the new LTE standards, but this is gradually happening.

What is LTE and 4G in iPhones

I will explain in simple language for dummies. LTE and 4G are mobile communication standards that allow you to use the Internet at higher speeds. Therefore, if your iPhone supports LTE (4G), then the Internet will be fast, i.E. Internet pages open quickly, looks in high quality without brakes. With tuned LTE it will be more comfortable to distribute the Internet to other devices using. Modem mode in iPhone.

How to enable and configure LTE (4G) on iPhone

If your iPhone model supports high-speed Internet (see the list above) and you have already configured the Internet (link to the setting at the beginning of the article), then you just need to enable LTE mode and use.

LTE (4G) is enabled as follows: Settings. Cellular. Data Options

Voice and data. LTE

As soon as you turn on LTE mode, you will immediately feel a good Internet speed, of course, a lot depends on the cellular operator, so when choosing an operator and a tariff plan, check if there is support for working in LTE networks. Well, watch the traffic, with LTE enabled, the limited traffic on the iPhone flies away well!

Setting up a mobile operator's network

Most often, if the Internet network cannot be turned on on the iPhone, this is most likely due to the APN package, which is responsible for receiving data from the Internet. Enabling and configuring this package will not take you much time, you literally just need a few minutes to connect it.

The data that you need to enter in the APN settings fields is individual, because all mobile operators have different ones, and if you enter the wrong data, then your Internet simply won't work. In this article, we will provide information on filling in the APN fields of the most popular operators in our country.

To configure the APN connection, proceed to: Settings-next-Cellular-next-Cellular data.

Next, we enter the information of the telephone operator providing you services:

  • APN: internet.Mts.Ru
  • Username: mts
  • Password: mts

Activating and Configuring LTE Mode on iPhone

Apple has established itself as a quality company that from year to year continues to delight its users with pleasant gifts, so in January of this year, the Lte network became available, also often referred to among people as the usual 4G Internet.

So the average speed of the lte network is about 350 mb / s, which gives it an advantage, because you can use the Internet without any delays, on your favorite gadget. Of the 2 currently existing coatings, LTE technology certainly wins, both in speed and in reliability. It is worth noting the fact that the first network launched lte beeline, which gave rise to the spread of this network to iPhones.

But, the main question that Apple technology users ask is how to set up their iPhone so that it receives an lte signal? It should be understood that the 4G Internet technology appeared several years ago, and only today, it has begun to spread in Russia, the first step is to ask your operator whether the LTE network is supported in your city. Of course, if you live in the regional center or the capital, then you can easily access this network.


  • APN: internet.Beeline.Ru
  • Username: beeline
  • Password: beeline


  • APN: internet.Tele2.Ru
  • Username: [leave blank]
  • Password: [leave blank]

Setting up

Then how to enable lte on iphone 5s? Everything is quite simple, first you need to check how the operator's network parameters are configured on the device. First, you should check the Internet settings and their state that your mobile operator provides you.

To check this parameter, you need to enter the cellular section and make sure that you have 3G / Lte modes enabled. If the setting turned out to be incorrect, and you do not have this mode enabled, do not worry, this problem is easy to fix. To do this, you again need to go to Settings. Then. Cellular.

In this section, you must include in order:

  1. Cellular data.
  2. Enable 3G / Lte Mode.

After you have activated the parameters, you should enable data transfer and check if it works. Having turned it on, you should see an inscription above the reception scale in the upper corner, which will be written with the letter E, or 3G / Lte. If you do not have the Internet at all, then you should check its access in the area where you are, or take your phone to a service center to check the body of the transmission module, which is responsible for the Internet in your phone.

If, however, everything is in order with your phone, then you most likely have not configured an APN network, which depends on your cellular operator. Also, do not forget to update your IOS to the latest available version, because it is an important part of connecting to the lte network.


  • APN: inet.Bwc.Ru
  • Username: bwc
  • Password: bwc

What is 4G and LTE

To put it simply, 4G is a fourth-generation mobile network that has improved data rates. The minimum indicator of the Internet speed of the network of this standard is 100 Mbit / s, while for stationary subscribers, which include those moving at a speed of less than 10 kilometers per hour, the minimum speed will be 1 Gbit per second.

When comparing 4G with the previous generation of 3G mobile networks, the speed increased more than 50 times, since the outdated technology for stationary subscribers only gave out 2 Mbps. But, in addition to 4G, you can often hear the name LTE, and for some mobile users this abbreviation is displayed when the mobile Internet is turned on.

The fact is that 4G networks consist of two data transmission standards:

  • LTE. Used for portable devices such as telephones;
  • Wimax. For stationary equipment.

How to enable LTE on iPhone 5. Sometimes it becomes a problem. The fact is that this phone works in unpopular bands and gives access to high-speed networks only if the operator has taken care of it.

As a result, it turns out that it is impossible to separate LTE from 4G, since this is a component of the fourth generation Internet. The use of 4G networks in smartphones speeds up battery discharge, since it requires more power to operate the module. Nevertheless, the question of how to enable LTE on the iPhone 8 remains urgent.

How to enable 4G and LTE on iPhone

Reading time: 6 minutes

Most iPhone users use mobile internet on a daily basis, the standards of which are constantly rising. The most progressive and advanced technology is 4G, which is also called LTE. Its user gets the speed higher than in the case of 3G, but it is important to figure out how to enable LTE on iPhone 7.

Often, the new generation Internet is activated in a smartphone automatically when it is in this network. How to turn on 4G on an iPhone 5s. Many ask, and all because not everyone understands technology. Therefore, in the question of how to forcibly turn on 4G on an iPhone, we will figure it out thoroughly.

What LTE frequencies do operators have

Russian operators are currently using different frequency bands to provide 4G Internet subscribers. Among the topical ones are:

  • B3. From 1805 to 1880 MHz;
  • B7. 2620-2690 MHz;
  • B20. Range 791-821;
  • B31. One frequency 450 MHz is used;
  • B38. 2570-2620 Megahertz.

Each operator uses his own frequency, which is reserved for him. But there are also cases when frequencies are used by two operators, usually in less developed regions. But the question of how to turn on 4G on an iPhone 5s does not become more difficult, because the task of fine-tuning the frequencies is the operator's concern.

How to enable and configure LTE

We figured out what the 4G Internet is, now we need to understand how to turn on 4 Ji on an iPhone. First of all, not only a smartphone with 4G support is bought, but also a SIM card that gives access to the technology. It must be marked accordingly. Next, you should insert the "SIM" into the device and you can turn on the mobile Internet.

The function is available in the settings menu:

  1. Go to the section "Cellular".
  2. In the item "Cellular data" you need to move the slider to the right.

Data transfer activated.

This instruction is universal because the interface is the same on all Apple devices. If you do not know how to turn on 4G on an iPhone SE. This instruction will help you.

If as a result of these actions LTE does not turn on, then you need to figure out how to turn on the Internet on the iPhone manually.

How to enable LTE on iPhone 5 is divided into stages:

  1. Opening the settings.
  2. Go to the section "Cellular".
  3. Open "Data Options".
  4. Select the item "Enable LTE".
  5. Next, you should choose one of two options:
  • "Voice and data". Transfer of not only data, but also voice calls over the LTE network;
  • Data only. Only data transmission is possible via LTE.

If the phone displays a warning about the lack of operator certification, press the LTE power button again. On this LTE is forcibly turned on and high-speed mobile Internet appears.

Which iPhones support 4G

Not every iPhone has built-in support for new networks, for example, in the iPhone 4S and below this technology is no longer there. Therefore, even with the appropriate SIM card, the maximum that the owner of the phone can count on is 3G.

In the case of iPhones, LTE support starts from the iPhone 5, and the highest data transfer rate depends on the smartphone generation:

  • Iphone 5, 5s. Up to 100 Mbps;
  • SE, 6 and Plus version. 150 Mbps;
  • 6s and larger Plus version. 300 Mbps;
  • 7th model and "plus" format. 450 Mbps;
  • Iphone 8 (including Plus size) and smartphones X and Xr. 600 Mbps;
  • The XS and Max versions hold the record for bandwidth, as they provide Internet access up to the maximum network performance. 1 Gbps.

It should be borne in mind that the indicated speed can be much lower, which depends on the quality of coverage, the number of subscribers at base stations and their distance from the user. If a subscriber whose smartphone supports LTE is in an area where such technology is not yet available, he will not be left without the Internet.

The fourth generation modules also support downstream networks, so 3G networks and even EDGE will be included. Therefore, you do not have to think about how to enable LTE on iPhone 5S, and where to find coverage, since you can continue to use a less comfortable, but still fast 3G connection.

Possible causes of problems

Why LTE doesn't turn on on iPhone is also a common question, and there are three reasons for this:

  1. There is no corresponding operator coverage in the client's presence area.
  2. The user does not have a corresponding SIM card.
  3. The smartphone itself is not equipped with an LTE module.

If you have problems with 4G networks, you should immediately contact the technical support of the operator. Consultants will tell you why the problem arose and advise how to turn on 4g Internet on an iPhone.

Accurate identification of the phone brand

Determining a specific model visually can be difficult. This is due to the fact that outwardly some of them are almost the same. For example, it is not always possible to distinguish model 6 from 7 and even 8. To be sure, you can look at the number indicated on the back cover. There is a large letter "A" and a set of numbers after it. You can identify a gadget by numbers:

  • Iphone: A1203;
  • Iphone 3G: A1324, A1241;
  • Iphone 3GS: A1325, A1303;
  • Iphone 4: A1349, A1332;
  • Iphone 4S: A1431, A1387, A1387;
  • Iphone 5: A1428, A1429, A1442;
  • Iphone 5S: A1456, A1507, A1516, A1529, A1532;
  • Iphone 6: A1549, A1586, A1589;
  • Iphone 6 Plus: A1522, A1524, A1593;
  • Iphone 6S: A1633, A1688, A1700;
  • Iphone 6S Plus: A1634, A1687, A1699.

Operator frequencies

Almost all Russian mobile operators use similar frequencies for communication.

  • Yota works at 2500-2530 / 2620-2650 MHz;
  • Megafon uses 2530-2540 / 2650-2660; 2575-2595; 847-854.5 / 806-813.5 MHz;
  • MTS 2540-2550 / 2660-2670; 2595-2615; 1710-1785 / 1805-1880; 839.5-847 / 798.5-806 MHz;
  • For "Beeline" allocated 2550-2560 / 2670-2680; 854.5-862 / 813.5-821 MHz;
  • Tele2 works at 2560-2570 / 2680-2690; 832-839.5 / 791-798.5 MHz.

What LTE gives

In comparison with the previous standards, there are almost no characteristic technological features between the presented technologies, since the newer one can be called a logical continuation of the old one. This suggests that 4G is simply a more "advanced" standard in technological features, which resulted in the main quality for the average user. Increased connection speed. It is enough to take speed measurements to understand that the 4th generation is a cut above the previous one.

  • The difference between 4G and 3G in smartphones is IP telephony. It is not supported by third-generation networks, and the fourth allows voice transmission without delays, that is, ping;
  • Wider and higher range of operation, which allows to increase the distance of data transmission from the base station to the subscriber;
  • The difference in 3G and 4G speed is huge. Even the smallest one for 4G is 100 Mbps. Several times higher than its older counterpart;
  • The ability to replace the loss of signal by automatically turning on the 3G network without losing the connection.
  • Increased cost of LTE-based tariffs;
  • The need for a special SIM card;
  • Low connectivity and limited coverage by cellular operators. Correct work is possible only in large cities.

Important! Before connecting 4G on an iPhone, you need to make sure that this standard works correctly on the territory of residence.

Connecting and configuring mobile 4G Internet on iPhone

How to enable 4G on an iPhone should be known to every user of modern Apple phone models who have switched or wish to switch to the fourth generation communication format. Changing the standard can be quite simple: if 3G was previously used, then the first step is to check the compatibility of the SIM card and the gadget itself. If support is possible, then it is enough to carry out the inclusion of the standard using simple steps. If the SIM card does not fit, then it can be changed at the official center of the operator while maintaining the number. And last but not least, if the iPhone does not have the ability to work in the fourth generation technology, then it is recommended to replace it with a newer one. For example, the Iphone 5 supports 4G, but only at low speeds up to 100 Mbps, while the Iphone SE 4G model can operate at 150 Mbps.

How to enable and configure

Any gadget of the Iphone model is initially ready to work on the Internet with the standard supported by the installed SIM card.

When it is determined that the phone model can work in the fourth generation standard, and everything is ready for use, then it must be turned on. For example, how to enable 4G on iPhone 5:

  1. "Settings".
  2. "Cellular".
  3. "Data parameters".
  4. Voice and Data.
  5. Select from the LTE menu.

After that, the system will notify that the network is not certified by the operator. This can affect battery life, messages, calls, and cellular data. You need to confirm. After that, the gadget will switch to 4G LTE.

Note! However, sometimes it happens that you have to enter data yourself.

How to set up 4G on iPhone 5 and older models in manual mode:

  1. You need to check in advance with the operator about such parameters as username and APN. This can be done on the official website or by contacting technical support.
  2. Enter the gadget settings.
  3. Select "Cellular network".
  4. Open the "Data Transfer" tab.
  5. Introduce specific.

Note! A specific username, password and APN have been set for a particular cellular operator.

For "Megafon" you need to enter:

  • APN: internet;
  • Username: gdata;
  • Password: gdata.

One of the market leaders, MTS, requires the introduction of the following combination:

  • APN: internet.Mts.Ru;
  • Username: mts;
  • Password: mts.

For Beeline subscribers you need to dial:

  • APN: internet.Beeline.Ru;
  • Username: beeline;
  • Password: beeline.

Tele2 users must enter:

  • APN: internet.Tele2.Ru;
  • Username: enter nothing;
  • Password: enter nothing.

There is also another way to get all the necessary operator parameters automatically. To do this, it is recommended to call technical support and request the receipt of data using SMS. It will come to the phone and after opening the message, all settings will be made automatically.

Note! The user only needs to reboot the device.

Enable and make LTE work

If second or third generation networks do not suit the user, then it is quite possible to switch to a new technology at any time. However, it should be understood that during operation and loss of connection, the network automatically switches to a lower one so as not to lose the Internet signal at all. If you forcibly turn on a low standard, then the phone will no longer be able to improve the situation. In this case, if the Internet connection is lost, the Network will disappear completely until the user is again in the zone of a strong signal.

Important! The "LTE Only" function is only available on Android. Ios will still transfer the user to a lower technology.

How to enable 3G on iPhone 4

  • Go to the application "Settings" and then go to the item "Cellular".
  • Select the "Voice" menu and select "3G" in its settings.
  • Next, you should go back and switch the "Cellular Data" slider to the right, thus. You turn on 3G internet.

In order to make sure that 3G is actually turned on, look at the upper left corner of the display of your 4th iPhone. Where the antenna divisions are located and the operator's name, the 3G icon should appear. Now you can use third generation networks: enjoy online games and social networking, view from Youtube.

We speed up the Internet or how to turn on 3G

Almost all people use the Internet these days. And the fact is that it is needed to view social networks, and audio services, online games and news portals, in general, modern life cannot develop without the Internet.

When we sit at home or somewhere in the coverage area of ​​a Wi-Fi network, nothing prevents us from being always in touch with relatives, friends and acquaintances. But once we get so far from Wi-Fi that the signal drops and the Internet connection stops, we can no longer use our iPhone 4 one hundred percent. Then the mobile Internet comes to our rescue.

At the moment, the mobile Internet remains very popular all over the world. After all, you can use it anywhere. Now there are 3 main types of it. 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE).

  • 2G is still the most widespread and oldest type of connection, many countries still use it.
  • 3G is a relatively new type of mobile Internet connection. Its advantage over 2G is that the data transfer rate is many times higher.
  • 4G (LTE) is the newest and fastest kind of mobile internet.

4G is not yet very widespread in the world, so in this article we will talk about how to enable 3G connection, as an example, consider the connection on the iPhone 4.

Problems connecting to mobile internet on iPhone

Why 3G doesn't work on iPhone

  • Check your SIM card, it may not work.
  • Look at the antenna divisions, there may simply be no signal.
  • You are outside the coverage area of ​​3G networks, as not in all countries they cover the entire city.
  • Your SIM card does not support 3G. Contact the operator to change to the appropriate SIM card.
  • Perhaps there are no Internet connection settings, you need to configure the phone manually.
  • Possible errors due to jailbreak.

Check all the points to find the problem of the lack of Internet on your iPhone.

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Why exactly the Voice submenu turns on 3G

In earlier versions of iOS (up to version 7) this menu item was called "Communication" and there was one slider to enable 3G. Now 4G (LTE) networks have appeared, so Apple made one submenu for three types of mobile communications. It is also such a localization feature. Since including a specific type of communication, the quality of audio calls and the speed of the Internet change.

How To Turn On Lte On Iphone

Which iPhone models are capable of supporting 4G

Unfortunately, not all iPhone versions support the latest generation communication type. Therefore, the question: LTE, what is it in the iPhone, arises only for users of new models. After all, they have never met such a function before. Earlier models of smartphones were released before the launch of the technology, they have only such communication standards as 2G and 3G, they do not have the fourth type of communication, and even more LTE.

The technology was first introduced into iPhones 5, 5 s and se. The developers have released two versions of the fifth iPhone model. With and without 4G. It is logical to assume that the first option is more expensive than the second. After the first sales of a new smartphone at that time, buyers immediately began to ask about LTE, what is it in an iPhone phone, because the function is new and incomprehensible. But soon the majority could no longer imagine the iPhone without this option in it. LTE is easy enough to turn on and can be turned off just as easily.

How to disable LTE on iPhone

In some situations, the owner of the gadget needs to know how to disable LTE on the iPhone. This function, like any other, wastes battery power, in addition, the mobile Internet must be turned off during flights. To disable the option, you need to go to the settings and open the "Cellular" tab. In the line "4G LTE" you need to change the checkbox from the on status to off.

Does 4G support iPhone 5s

The fourth generation 4G and LTE communication standard will be supported by all Apple smartphones, starting with version 5. Sometimes on phones this function is initially disabled, so the user needs to enable it himself. The iPhone 5 and 5s do it the same way. To turn on and start going online with the function already working, you need to go to the settings and open the "Cellular" tab. The user will immediately see two options. "Cellular data" and "3G LTE", which must be connected.

Important! To enable "Cellular Data", the subscriber's SIM card must be connected to the mobile Internet. To connect, you need to contact your service provider.

What does 3G, 4G and LTE mean in an iPhone

All of these cryptic symbols are actually indicators of the type of signal the smartphone is currently using. If the data transmission range is small, then the user will see the letter "E", which is an abbreviation of the name of the "Edge" network. This network provides the phone with the ability to access the Internet. The rest of the designations are deciphered according to the same principle. For example, if the symbol "G" appears in the top line, then this indicates that the smartphone has access to the "GPRS" network.

Currently, any smartphone owner will have no difficulty in accessing the Internet, looking through it, listening to music, downloading something or transmitting any information. Now this is taken for granted, but just a few years ago, information technology was not developed that much. People had to wait for a long time to download a movie, music. And there was no question of communication.

Fortunately, experts worked on this and soon presented the world with 2G, the second generation communication standard. It gave the user access to the Internet, but its frequency range was not enough to cover a large area. The operators tried to solve the problem and began to place a large number of towers at such a distance from each other that there were no "empty" zones between them.

It was extremely inconvenient and costly, so the specialists were looking for a new solution. Soon, 2.5G was created, which provided a higher level of communication due to a larger coverage area. But this type did not last long, because in 2000 it was replaced by the third generation standard, which includes as many as 3 types of packet data transmission. 3G has a faster internet speed than its predecessors.

Note! Thanks to 3G, users were able to communicate via connection, view content online and use the Internet in motion without interruptions.

The fourth generation was created in 2008, its speed exceeds 100 Mbps. This type of communication is optimal due to the fast Internet connection. Long-Term Evolution (LTE) came alongside 4G. Initially, this technology was used in 3G, and then it began to be used in the 4th generation. In simple terms, LTE is a kind of "accelerator" for the mobile Internet. When this function is enabled, the data transfer rate increases and the smartphone can easily switch to a convenient communication type. LTE also makes it possible to improve the quality of communication when forwarding.

What is LTE in iPhone. Which model supports

Many users are interested in what LTE is in an iPhone. This abbreviation can be seen next to the signal strength indicator on the top status bar. Sometimes it is replaced by the symbols G, 3G, E, and sometimes there is a plus sign next to them.

Does 4G support iPhone 5

As mentioned earlier, the company has released 2 versions of the 5 model. The first version lacks 4G, so it costs a little less than a gadget that has both 4G and LTE.

How to Turn on Lte on Iphone 8
