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Body for Life Diet and Exercise Plan

Body For Life (Eating For Life)

body-for-lifeBill Phillips' Body for Life is an inspiring book that outlines a comprehensive diet and fitness program. The book continues to be a top seller worldwide, and has sparked a number of copy-cat programs.

Body for life is about losing fat and gaining muscle – and having a diet that doesn't leave you feeling tired or fatigued.

The author Bill Phillips is inspired, passionate, motivational, and sincere regarding the program. He has recently added a new book Eating for Life – this primarily focuses on nutrition. This book has the basics of the Body for Life program along with a full color glossy cookbook full of meals and recipes that will fit the Body-for-Life style.

Body For Life Basics

The typical BFL diet consists of 5-6 meals per day. Portion size is emphasized rather than calorie counts. A typical meal might consist of one portion of protein, and one portion of carbohydrate. For one day each week you are allowed to 'cheat' and eat your favorite foods. The book provides lists of foods and sample meal plans – but you will need to plan carefully to follow the diet.

The exercise program is essential to Body for Life. This includes 20 minutes 3 times per week of aerobic exercise, and lifting weights for 3 times a week (45 minutes per session).

Transformation Possible?

Bill Phillips has brought different elements together and combined them into a single program. He has delivered these in a truly inspiring and motivational fashion. Body for Life has been the catalyst for thousands of people to finally get fit and healthy, and there is always a Body for Life challenge going on somewhere in the world.

Recommended Program

The Body for Life program is sensible in all aspects. It is not a very low calorie plan, and has a substantial exercise component. Yes you will need to restructure your life to follow this (maybe that's why its called Body for Life!). You will need to have considerable motivation to succeed, be prepared to work hard, and fat loss would be in the region of 1-2 pounds per week (if you are currently overweight).

Despite the book being adorned with before and after photos of people becoming muscular, it takes a lot of discipline to not only lose fat but to build defined muscle mass.

These exercises can be used with the Body for Life program.


Following the diet (6 meals per day) can be difficult, and the author suggests (plugs?) supplements. This is not surprising as Bill Phillips was once the owner of EAS supplements (he subsequently sold the company on). EAS is reputed to be one of the superior supplement makers in the industry.

Protein shakes (such as Myoplex) certainly have their place (particularly in a regime with 3-6 meals per day). Shakes, bars, and Ready-to-Drinks are a convenient way to supply your body with the nutrients – but are never a replacement for real food.

Sample Meal Plan

This is a typical 1,700 calorie meal plan from the Eating For Life program.


3/4 cup scrambled Egg Beaters™

1 piece multi-grain toast with 1teaspoon natural peanut butter

1 small apple

1 small banana


Myoplex Lite Ready-to-Drink


2 ounces of fresh deli cut turkey breast

1 tablespoon regular mayonnaise

2 slices of multi-grain bread

1 cup fresh baby carrots

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese


Myoplex Lite Nutrition Bar


1 medium roasted, skinless chicken breast

1 cup lentil soup

2 celery sticks with non-fat cream cheese

More low Calorie healthy recipes can be found here.

See Also: Official site – The official site for Body-for-life products.

 By Mizpah Matus B.Hlth.Sc(Hons)

  • Clark, A., Franklin, J., Pratt, I., & McGrice, M. (2010). Overweight and Obesity: Use of Portion Control in Management. Australian family physician, 39(6), 407. link
  • Geier, A. B., Rozin, P., & Doros, G. (2006). Unit bias a new heuristic that helps explain the effect of portion size on food intake. Psychological Science, 17(6), 521-525. link
  • Wolfe, R. R. (2000). Protein supplements and exercise. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 72(2), 551s-557s. link

Last Reviewed: March 29, 2021

Body for Life Diet and Exercise Plan
